Beer Money Dividends

Monthly Dividend Income

The Art of Failing Forward

Another poor performance this week for beer money earnings, but not for lack of work available. I was extremely busy in my personal and professional life, but I still managed to earn just over $40 dollars. Balance and consistency, of course, is the key to continuing this experiment, but it’s easier said than done. At least I can hit my goal of purchasing a stock this week.

And while I’d love to be able to set clear boundaries between work and personal time, better prioritize or even delegate tasks, and use more vacation time for myself, I don’t know how except through trial and error or by failing forward. I’ve been looking up ways to correct this and found this interesting article from the Harvard Business Review called “Make Time for the Work That Matters“. I think it’s a good jumping off point with some solid data.

Forbes also has a good article with actual strategies called “Manipulate Time With These Powerful 20 Time Management Tips“. It’s well worth the read.

In any case, I will carry on this week and try once again to hit my goals.