Beer Money Dividends

Monthly Dividend Income

The Big Picture

Throughout the past year I’ve expounded, or perhaps pontificated, on several different strategies when it comes to earning money online and investing that money. Often, the subjects overlap. When I began, I knew nothing. I still know very, very little, but I have noticed that my thinking and, perhaps more importantly, my emotions surrounding investing have changed.

I used to get such a rush receiving dividend payouts. Now, I barely notice them until the end of the week. It still feels good, but I have the emotional and mental capacity now to invest in companies that pay dividends with less frequency. Companies with a smaller dividend yield. Companies that will ultimately pay off in the long run rather than those that offer immediate gratification.

While I’m not as exhilarated as I once was, I don’t take any of it for granted. I’m only now – finally – beginning to understand what some of the great investors meant when they said to invest in good, undervalued companies. It is easier said than done. I’d argue that it takes years to fully comprehend what it means to be a value investor. I’m only at the beginning.

That being said, I have taken a break from surveys for the past month, opting to try my hand at trading exclusively. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s for everyone. I certainly don’t think it’s as accessible, which feels a bit against the spirit of this site. I do think breaks are important, but I imagine I’ll get back into the grind this coming month. My hope is to add another stream of income as well.

I have stopped updating my 2023 goals because I did not expect to surpass them so easily. I attribute 90% of that to luck and 10% to paying attention. It’s likely I’ll exceed even the stretch goals I set. I’ll reassess to see what’s possible in 2024 and, ideally, set the new goals just slightly beyond my reach.