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The Reason I Invest

The Reason I Invest

I may never be wealthy. I may end up rich compared to some, but it would take quite a bit of luck to become wealthy. And, while I consider myself to be somewhat luckier than most, I will not waste my time thinking about what could be.

Last week I took a trip to England for a wedding. I am very fortunate to be able to do this. I took a few extra days to travel around the UK with my partner. It was wonderful. This is an example of why I invest.

I don’t invest to hoard money and I don’t have any expectation of becoming wealthy. I invest to experience life. I invest to gain more control over my time. I want enough to be comfortable and to be able to have an experience – once in a while – that is fulfilling and rewarding. That’s it. I don’t want to work my entire life simply to survive. This is why invest.

I wish I had the discipline to do this earlier in life, but I can’t complain. I have enough time now to make sure that I can be comfortable later.