Beer Money Dividends

Monthly Dividend Income

The Stretch Goals

I pulled in a little over $40 dollars this past week in beer money income, but I also achieved my goal for 2023 of earning $15 dollars a month in dividend income. I have one goal left for the year and that is hitting $200 a year in dividend income. I will likely cross that threshold in about a month.

I thought I had set fairly realistic goals for the year at the beginning of this journey, but perhaps I was not aggressive enough. With about six months left in the year I am mulling over the idea of adding some additional stretch goals for the year, but I don’t want to add any unnecessary stress. I’m thinking I may just add a couple goals such as hitting $20 and $25 dollars of dividend income a month. That would set me up to be 25% complete with my ultimate goal of $100 dollars in dividend income.

With compound interest that would mean there is a possibility I could hit my ultimate goal at the end of 2024.