Beer Money Dividends

Monthly Dividend Income

Month: September 2023

  • The Big Picture

    The Big Picture

    Throughout the past year I’ve expounded, or perhaps pontificated, on several different strategies when it comes to earning money online and investing that money. Often, the subjects overlap. When I began, I knew nothing. I still know very, very little, but I have noticed that my thinking and, perhaps more importantly, my emotions surrounding investing…

  • The First $100 Dollars in Dividends

    The First $100 Dollars in Dividends

    One hundred dollars may not seem like much to some, but a lot can be accomplished with one hundred dollars. With some thought and effort, it can be made to go a long way. In fact, one hundred dollars a month invested in the total stock market from age 20 onward would make anyone a…

  • The Evolving Strategy

    The Evolving Strategy

    Any serious dividend investor would tell you it’s a bad idea to invest in stocks solely because they pay a monthly dividend. They’d also tell you it’s an especially bad idea to invest simply because a security has a high yield. With my real job and my real investments, I’m playing it very safe by…