Beer Money Dividends

Monthly Dividend Income


The Shared Resources

A late post for this week, but I took some time off this past weekend to take a trip home. It was a nice break. Unfortunately that also I meant I came in just shy of my goal again of $50 dollars for the week. However – miraculously – I still hit my monthly goal of over $200 dollars. I’m not sure how, but I’m glad I did. My break also meant I started late this week, so we’ll see how far I can get during the last few days this week.

I wanted to take a moment to share the list of resources I use. I’m still learning, but I frequently check and read these web sites:

  1. MarketWatch
    I read this for general economic and stock market news. I occasionally use it to look at stock data.
  2. Yahoo! Finance
    I tend to use this to look at quick fundamentals of a stock. I’m looking for a better method of screening and a better tool for analysis, but I haven’t had time to find one yet.
  3. Bloomberg
    I tend to read this after MarketWatch for a more broader sense of market and financial news.
  4. Wall Street Journal
    This has some good articles and I can also get a sense of what’s happening in the market, but I don’t use it to choose stocks.
  5. r/dividends
    I am almost ashamed to admit I read this because the advice is subpar to say the least. Most people on this forum are beginners, but there are a few comments that are gems from time to time. It could definitely use more moderation.
  6. Dividend Growth Investor
    This is one of the first dividend blogs I began reading and check it a couple times a month. It is dry reading, but solid and while I don’t always agree with the analysis, this style of investing is something I aspire to after my challenge is completed.

I would also be remiss if I didn’t give a special shout out to a couple other sites that have shared a link to this site. They were all extremely motivating and inspiring for this Beer Money Dividend challenge I set for myself.

  1. Dividend Diplomats
  2. DivHut
  3. My Dividend Dynasty
  4. Quietly Saving