Beer Money Dividends

Monthly Dividend Income

The Latest Update

The Latest Update

I ended June strong with nearly $70 dollars in beer money income during the last week. That put me at about $14.74 in monthly dividend income. And while I’m somewhat conservative in my calculations for dividend income because I’m aiming for a stable, passive income portfolio, the actual dividend income for June was $15.81! Though that was the result of a special dividend that was paid out, so I may actually earn less in dividends next month.

Here’s a full breakdown of my dividend income so far:

MonthDividend Income

Dividends now account for about 3% of my total earnings since I started tracking beer money income.

In an effort to continue earning, even when I’m on vacation, I have been looking at expanding my beer money income. I’ve been attempting to further optimize my beer money income using scripts. AutoHotkey has come in handy. I’m also learning about r/churning and even borrowing money from brokers using margin.

One of the reason’s I started this experiment was to learn more about finance and while $2,000 dollars is not a small amount of money to most, I feel comfortable “playing” with it since it was earned in small amounts when I had a spare moment. Worst case is I have to build it back up, but best case is I come out ahead.