Beer Money Dividends

Monthly Dividend Income

The Slowest Week Ever

The Slowest Week Ever

This past week – the last week of 2022 – was the slowest week I’ve encountered using beer money web sites. There were barely any surveys. That makes it even more incredible that I managed to earn just over $80 dollars. As I mentioned in my last post, I don’t recommend using Honeygain, but I also said I was going to cash out what I had earned and I did. Without that I still would’ve hit my bare minimum goal at just over $50 dollars for the week, but that extra income certainly helped.

Because of the holidays the stock market wasn’t open today. I’ll have to wait until Tuesday, like I did last week, to make additional purchases. My plan is to continue expanding my portfolio. I want to diversify further, but maintain aggressive, speculative positions. I also want to find more beer money income opportunities. I expect this week to be almost as slow, so I suspect I’ll have to grind it out again.